The Hanneli Rupert Getuienistrust Donation

Ronell van Tonder, ECD Project Manager for the Inceba Trust (which falls under the Hanneli Rupert Getuienistrust), Ntataise director Sarah McGuigan and Johann Theron, Trustee of the Hanneli Rupert Getuienistrust

Ntataise is extremely thankful to the Hanneli Rupert Getuienistrust which supported an innovative project to create an audio visual play activity series. Ntataise director, Sarah McGuigan visited Johann Theron, Trustee of the Hanneli Rupert Getuienistrust and Ronell van Tonder, ECD Project Manager for the Inceba Trust (which falls under the Hanneli Rupert Getuienistrust) in Cape Town to share the activity series with them. The seventeen three to four minute audio visual clips provide ECD practitioners and caregivers based in the most isolated to the most urban of communities with a visual demonstration of simple and inexpensive play activities, accompanied by clear explanations of how to present them to children in an ECD centre, playgroup or at home.These audio visual clips are available to anyone, just follow the link: